As we move further into considering McKnight's proposals about the Jesus Creed, it seems fair to ask: Do you think memorizing and repetition of a text can have an impact on how you live out your faith? That is, while simply memorizing something is hardly living by it, is there any relevance in memorizing and reciting routinely something like the Lord's Prayer or the Jesus Creed?
"'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind, and with all your strength.'
The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
There is no commandment greater than these."
IF spiritual formation is as McKnight suggests "about relationship -- with God and with others," then on what principles of faith are your relationships built?
Chapter 13: Matthew 6:10; 11:28-30; Luke 17:20-21; Mark 3:31-35. "The kingdom of God is the society where the Jesus Creed transforms life. That kingdom has arrived in Jesus." How do you think the word "kingdom" relates to the apostle Paul's favorite term "church?" Are they the same? What part will you play in a society where the Jesus Creed is part of creating God's kingdom in our church? In our neighborhood? In our community?
Chapter 14: Matthew 13:31-32. "Jesus' model for the kingdom of God is the mustard seed: a seed that grows among the unlikely, from person to person, and among the peaceful and patient." Think about how God's work often moves slowly through the most (seemingly) insignificant ways. Can you identify those in our community? How are YOU a mustard seed in your family, neighborhood and community? How are WE at First Congregational a mustard seed in our community?
Chapter 15: Luke 4:16-30; 6:20-26. "The society of the kingdom is a society that pursues justice because it loves God and others." How are justice and the Jesus Creed related. Do you know of someone who lives out the Jesus Creed by pursuing justice? How is "justice" important to Jesus? What does "justice" mean to you? What would "justice" look like if it were defined by the Jesus Creed? What do "restitution" and "restoration" have to do with justice?
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