Thursday, February 23, 2012

Part Three, B: The Society of the Jesus Creed

As we move further into considering McKnight's proposals about the Jesus Creed, it seems fair to ask:  Do you think memorizing and repetition of a text can have an impact on how you live out your faith?  That is, while simply memorizing something is hardly living by it, is there any relevance in memorizing and reciting routinely something like the Lord's Prayer or the Jesus Creed?

   "'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.
    Love the Lord your God with all your heart,
    with all your soul,
    with all your mind, and with all your strength.'
    The second is this:  'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
    There is no commandment greater than these."

IF spiritual formation is as McKnight suggests "about relationship -- with God and with others," then on what principles of faith are your relationships built?

Chapter 16:  Matthew 23:8-12; Mark 5:24-34; Luke 5:12-16.  "The Jesus Creed empowers us to restore people to the community."  How have you been a part of breaking down walls that separate humans from God and from others?  How is healing related to community restoration?  Imagine a "kingdom society" in which the "classified" are "de-classified" and welcomed equally to the table of fellowship, where unequal classifications are eliminated.  What differences might be  noticed in our community if such a kingdom society were available?

Chapter 17:  John 2:1-11.  "Humans yearn for the deep joy that comes from loving God and loving others."  What does it mean to yearn?  For what do you yearn in this faith gathering? In this community?  In life?  What might CS Lewis model for us in how he understood his life as the pursuit of joy?  Do the things you yearn for point you toward loving God and loving others?

Chapter 18:  Mark 14:25; Matthew 25:31-46.  "Living the Jesus Creed means having a perspective on life in light of the final kingdom, a kingdom noted especially by fellowship with the Abba (love for God) and with God's people (love for others)."  What do you imagine heaven looks like?  What does Jesus say the final kingdom will be like.  How do our perceptions of heaven shape how we live now?  How do you build relationships with God and with others in anticipation of a forever community?

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