FOCUS: Failing to understand the message of hope offered in the Book of Revelation, many Christians have
been misled by 19th century doomsayers and modern-day apocalyptic preachers who proclaim their vengeful god’s impending extermination of the apostate masses. Just what part of “love your enemies” doesn’t their god understand?
Requiem for the Rapture
“The Rapture is a racket. Whether prescribing a violent script for Israel or survivalism in the United States, this theology distorts God’s vision for the world. In place of healing, the Rapture proclaims escape. In place of Jesus’ blessing of peacemakers, the Rapture voyeuristically glorifies violence and war. In place of Revelation’s vision of the Lamb’s vulnerable self-giving love, the Rapture celebrates the lion-like wrath of the Lamb. This theology is not biblical. We are not Raptured off the earth, nor is God. No, God has come to live in the world through Jesus. God created the world, God loves the world, and God will never leave the world behind!” — Barbara Rossing, The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation
Over the last 150 years, countless millions have been caught up in various forms of Rapture theology. Scripture, torn from its context, is manipulated as a weapon of fear and intimidation. An offended God is portrayed as being out for vengeance – and people are encouraged to embrace a self-centered satisfaction in being personally “saved” at the expense of the suffering and death of family, friends, and neighbors. Barbara Rossing writes, “The Rapture vision invites a selfish non-concern for the world. It turns salvation into a personal 401(k) plan that saves only yourself.” Meanwhile, a ravaging warrior Jesus is preparing to return to violently punish those who aren’t the right kind of believers. So best get right or be “left behind.”
While this belief system seems too abhorrent to be the obsession of anything but a few fringe thinkers, Time magazine discovered that fully 59% of respondents to their poll said they believe the events of Revelation are going to come true. ("Apocalypse Now," June 23, 2002) In fact, despite a record of having never been right on anything, the sensational prognostications of Rapture promoters have, in our day, fueled what can only be called its own end times “industry.”
The pastors, teachers, and authors who have visited this indignation on so many trusting people are either conniving, snake-oil salesmen (and don’t forget Rexella!) who should be ashamed of themselves or poor sots who actually believe their own foolishness and are in need of our pity. Regardless of their motives, they have struck fear into the hearts of innumerable innocents with elaborate constructs of immanent cosmic destruction. Their shameless schemes have ruined lives and raked in millions worth of profit, while the original purpose of apocalyptic literature and the true context and meaning of the book of Revelation have been buried behind un-biblical Nostradamus-esqe prophecies.
To receive a complete copy of the text used for the session, please contact Pastor Marj at It will be sent as an email attachment for your perusal as opposed to printing multiple pages, a stewardship practice. Because of copyright law, we are not able to make the materials available here. Another option would be to purchase a copy of Felten and Procter-Murphy's newly-released book, Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity from your local bookseller.
Questions to be considered in light of the video and readings:
Describe the origins and meaning of the idea of “eschatology.”
What is apocalyptic eschatology?
Crossan points out the heart of Christian teaching is that the Kingdom “has already begun.” How did the Biblical authors get it wrong?
Why did Paul’s eschatology change over time?
According to Rossing, what would a good “warning label” be for the Left Behind books?
Highlight some of the history and creators of the notion of the so-called “rapture.”
What part of Darby’s theology is anything more than fantasy?
Describe the origin and influence of the Scofield Reference Bible.
According to Rossing, why do we have to counter this fictional Biblical timeline?
Theologically and psychologically, what does the rapture mentality foster?
What does the God revealed in Jesus suggest about his character?
How does the vision of a violent apocalypse sync with that character?
What does Crossan suggest is our “great Christian treason?”
What is the appeal of the Left Behind stories?
What are some of the possible elements of the “different story” Rossing sees a need for?
What is the significance of the Greek word, epignosko?
If Jesus doesn’t come to us through violence, death, war, and disaster, where will we find him?
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