Thursday, August 23, 2012

Launching "Living the Questions"

Sunday, September 16 (and concurrently on Wednesdays, beginning September 19)

People know that at its core, Christianity has something good to offer the human race.  At the same time, many have a sense that they are alone in being a "thinking" Christian and that "salvaging" Christianity is a hopeless task. What is needed is a safe environment where people have permission to ask the questions they've always wanted to ask but have been afraid to voice for fear of being thought a heretic.

Living the Questions is a DVD and web-based small group study exploring beyond the traditions and rote theologies in which so many people and local churches seem to be stuck.  Ideal for Christian invitation, initiation and spiritual formation, Living the Questions will help seekers and "church alumni/ae" alike in discovering the significance of Christianity in the 21st Century and what a meaningful faith can look like in today's world.

Some of the voices heard will be: Marcus Borg, Rita Nakashima Brock, Walter Brueggeman, John Cobb, Yvette Flunder, Matthew Fox, Hans Kung, Amy-Jill Levine, Cynthia Langston Kirk, Meagan McKenna, Helen Prejean, Tex Sample, John Shelby Spong, Emilie Townes, Winnie Varghese, John Bell, Mel White, Barbara Rossing, Culver "Bill" Nelson, and Siyoung Park.

1. An Invitation to Journey
2. Taking the Bible Seriously
3. Thinking Theologically
4. Stories of Creation
5. Lives of Jesus
6. A Passion for Christ: Paul
7. Out into the World: Challenges Facing Progressive Christians

All are welcome to join one or both sessions -- the series will run concurrently on Sunday mornings at 9:00am and again on Wednesdays at 6:30pm, beginning September 16 and 19 respectively.

Please contact the church office if you have questions at either or 509-382-2471.